Chakra balance massage: A joyful way to realign your chakras

chakra balance massage

Before understanding chakra balance massage, you should better learn about chakras and why it is essential to balance them.

The chakras are energy centres which are an integral part of our body and aura. This knowledge was lost in the western world but has always been part of eastern traditions, particularly in the world of yoga. Each chakra is like a spinning wheel of light and each one resonates at a particular frequency, from red through to violet, the colours of the rainbow. To be healthy and happy we need to have clear and clean chakras and chakra balance massage is simply the most enjoyable way to wellness!

Chakra Balance Massage:

Before getting into the detailing, let me throw light on what is a chakra. A chakra is a centre of life-force energy. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel or vortex”. There are seven major chakras, and each one corresponds to a different area of the body.

The seven main chakras are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and it governs your sense of security and grounding in reality. The sacral chakra is located near your naval and it governs creativity, sexuality, relationships, emotions and intuition.

The solar plexus chakra is located near your stomach and it governs self-esteem, self-image, courage, willpower and personal boundaries.

The heart chakra is located near your heart area in the chest area and it governs love, joy, peacefulness and compassion.

The throat chakra is located in the throat area and governs communication, self-expression, creativity and expression.

The Third-Eye chakra is located in between your eyes and it governs spiritual awareness, intuition, insight and psychic ability.

The crown is located at the top of our head and it governs the soul, spirit and higher self.

If the energy centres are out of balance, then it can lead to physical and emotional problems. Causes of imbalances could be stressful situations or damage to one’s ability for self-care.

Luckily, there is a way to balance your chakras with a simple massage technique. This technique is called a Chakra Massage and it can be done by anyone. This type of massage typically includes a variety of techniques such as acupressure, reflexology, and shiatsu. It can also include other types of massages like Swedish or Ayurvedic.

It’s important to note that this massage technique does not require any oils or lotions because it will be done with your hands alone. A chakra massage typically starts at the feet and moves up to the crown of the head. Each chakra point has an associated colour and this is where you will find a lot of focus during a chakra massage.

The following are some benefits that may be experienced with a Chakra Massage:

  • Reduces stress
  • Increases energy levels
  • Helps relieve pain in muscles, joints, or back
  • Effective tool for weight loss
  • Enhances meditation

Your subtle energy system

Think of your body as a network of circuits. This circuit network is made up of the organs, veins, arteries, and nerves that make up the physical body.

The ancient yogis believed that in addition to the physical body, there is also a subtle body or energy body that is invisible to the naked eye and cannot be touched, but through which all life-force energy passes. Chakras and channels in the subtle body’s circuit network are where life-force energy travels.

What does the term “chakra” signify before we continue? The Sanskrit term chakra means wheel or round. A chakra is essentially an energy centre or reservoir; in the physical body, the chakras correspond to nerve centres or nerve plexuses.

When working with chakra, think of health as being on a continuum. “Closed” or “imbalanced” qualities are at one end of a health continuum and “open” or “balanced” qualities are on the other.

Treatment Protocol with a basic understanding of the chakras, our focus can turn to the chakra balance massage. Even though a variety of techniques are used within this protocol, the intention of them all is to help clients focus and connect to their chakras. Click the below link to know more details related to chakra balance massage.

Deep-Tissue Massage:

The first step in a chakra balance massage is deep-tissue massage on the back, which focuses on three specific muscle groups. It focuses on erector spine muscles and gluteus medius.

Reflexology is the second technique within the protocol. It is a foot reflexology massage that focuses on two aspects of the chakras: the physical location of the chakra and the endocrine gland that is associated with each chakra by related function or close proximity. The physical locations are along the spinal and head reflex points on the foot.


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